Arts in the Forks: Visiting Artist Trevor King
To inaugurate a new visiting artist program “Arts in the Forks,” we invited NYC based artist Trevor King to Au Sable Forks. This new initiative designed in collaboration with Norte Maar is aimed at enriching the lives of the residents of Au Sable Forks.
Our workshop was held at Jay Community Center on Oct 18 and Oct 20.
Trevor was upstate with us a guest artist at the Art House in Au Sable Forks. Fabulous to see him working in our ceramic garage, spending time hiking the mountains, offering a few free clay throwing workshops, and hearing him lecture about his work at SUNY Plattsburgh.
Whether through the medium of clay or film, installation or photography, King’s work consistently argues proportion, authenticates perspective, and addresses time-duration. His artworks occur in open-ended projects that ruminate on the endurance of the human spirit. For him the making of an object is a means to articulate the poetic relationships between people, place, history, and the momentary. King grew up in Butler, PA, a rust-belt mill town that experienced enormous job loss after the war-time boom. He attributes the post-industrial landscape with his interest in material culture and the resonance of objects. The mundane, the low-brow, and the commonplace inform his imagery, singing with stillness and vacancy.