11.30.21 / White Face Regional Visitors Bureau: (Re) Introducing the Ausable Theater
White Face Visitors Bureau
by Rhiannon Berry
Walking into this interview, I expected to enter the Hollywood Theater of Au Sable Forks, NY — now known as the Ausable Theater — and speak with the new owners, learn about the history and future plans for the building, and be on my way with a lovely story about a lovely space. It was that and so much more. The theater part went precisely as planned, although it was much cooler than I anticipated — both in the physical space and the literal temperature as the building has been without heat for over two years. But the story of the owners, Norman Jabaut and Jason Andrew, far exceeded my expectations. Sure, they are two men who purchased a theater to bring the arts into their community. But I soon learned that this theater is part of a much larger story surrounding Jabaut and Andrew’s dedication for bringing art into their communities by any creative means necessary.